We’re raising money to rebuild our music program after many families left during COVID, and in anticipation of our 50th anniversary in 2024. We’ve set up this pre-50th Anniversary Campaign with a goal of raising $15,000. Every donation comes with special benefits for the donor.See below for a list of Benefits!
The Suzuki Music Program of Los Angeles provides a positive environment where children find joy in making music together, where they are eager to learn and motivated to practice, and where they reach a high level of competence in the Suzuki repertoire and in other musical genres. With your help, Suzuki Music Program of Los Angeles can reach this goal and continue to provide the gift of Music Education. Every donation makes a difference - we appreciate your support!
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One of our students Beckett Bayan recently gave a Ted Talk on How To Get Your Kid to Practice! He told us, “So much of what I know, I learned from the teachers at SMPLA.”
A video montage of SMPLA concerts from 2020.
The Suzuki Music Program of Los Angeles stands with people of color in our community and throughout this country, and emphatically agrees that Black Lives Matter!
It is clear that we have an enormous task before us to assist in eliminating inequality and injustice, and we hope that SMPLA can play a key role in contributing to substantive social change through transparency and authenticity in our own program, and through our teaching music to any and all children locally who express an interest. We have never turned away a family for lack of funds. This fund raising effort will continue to support this policy by offering scholarships to those in need.
We are on-goingly committed to reaching out to local schools to inform families of our program, to offer scholarships to families of color who express a need, and to include more repertoire written by black composers. We agree with Rita Pierson, who says: “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” This is a principle that Dr. Suzuki emphasized to teachers, that "every child can." Dr. Suzuki also said: “Man is a child of his environment.” Let us create a just environment for today’s children through access to music education.